Winnipeg Past and Present Oral History Project Help




Winnipeg Past and Present Oral History Project


Dates of Creation 


1976, 1981-1982


Physical Description 


281 audio cassettes
14 cm of textual records


Scope and Content 


Records consist of taped interviews with 257 Winnipeg residents for a project known as "Winnipeg Past and Present." The project was divided into thirty-four thematic categories. Each interview was conducted within a particular category.

The categories are as follows: Winnipeg Memories; Daily Life Experiences; Professions (Clergy, Social Welfare); Business Enterprises; War Veterans; Working Women (Professions, Education, Medical Field, Social and Political Activists, Labour, Agriculture and War); Labour Union Work; Early Immigration Experiences; British Immigration Study; War Brides; St. Boniface Memories; Ethnic Groups (General, Franco-Manitoban, Métis, Aboriginal and Mennonites); Rural Life; the Depression; War Experiences; Political Ideas; Religion; Cultural Life and the Arts; Psychic Phenomena; Folk Medicine; Sports and Leisure; and Life Experiences of the Handicapped. The original organization of the interviews has been retained.

Records include interview summaries created by the interviewers.


Administrative History or Biographical Sketch 


The Winnipeg Past and Present Oral History Project, an initiative of the Department of History at the University of Winnipeg, was intended to capture the personal stories and experiences of a wide cross-section of Winnipeg citizens.

Click on the link(s) below for more information.

Winnipeg Past and Present Oral History Project


Restrictions on Access 


A few of these interviews are restricted. See item level listings or contact the Archives of Manitoba for more information.


Terms For Use and Reproduction 


Researchers are responsible for observing copyright legislation. Permission may be required for any form of publication or exhibition where records are not in the public domain.


Custodial History 


Records were presented to the Archives of Manitoba by the University of Winnipeg History Department in 1982.


Language Notes 


Interviews are in either English or French.


How to proceed

These records must be consulted in the Archives Research Room. Please consult listings database to find location codes.

This material is not available for microfilm loan.

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