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Item Description 

Peter Fidler journals of exploration and survey, 1792-1806



Fonds/Series Title 

Peter Fidler fonds

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Volume contains journals documenting Peter Fidler's journeys and astronomical and geographical observations and measurements. Also contains sketch maps, including maps redrawn by Fidler based on information and mapping techniques from three Blackfoot [Siksika] chiefs. See list below for detailed information.
Map E.3/2 fos.106d-107 was redrawn by Fidler as “An Indian Map of the Different Tribes that inhabit on the East & West Side of the Rocky Mountains with all the rivers & other remarkbl. places, also the number of Tents etc. Drawn by the Feathers or Ac ko mok ki -- a Black foot chief -- 7th Feby. 1801 -- reduced 1/4 from the Original Size -- by Peter Fidler” (G.1/25). See Keystone listing for this map for more details.

Images of full-page spread sketch maps (fos. 104d-105, fos. 105d-106 and fos. 106d-107) can be found at the end of the digitized images.

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Location Code 

H1-30-3 ( E.3/2 )

Microfilm No. 

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Further Information about the File or Item

Original Format 

1 volume of textual records including sketch maps


Item Details 


fos. 2-36

"Journal of a Journey over Land from Buckingham House to the Rocky Mountains in 1792 & 3 by Peter Fidler," 8 November 1792-20 March 1793. Includes sketch maps along the route.

fos. 36d-39

"Journal of a Journey by Land along the North Side of the Saskatchewan River & up it to the Tea Sturgeon or Red Willow River by Peter Fidler in 1793," 1-11 April 1793. Includes sketch maps along the route.

fo. 39

"Remarks from Buckingham to Edmonton House walking upon the River", 13-17 March 1797.

fos. 39d-45d

"A Journal from the Long Point Cedar Lake to Swan River House, Somerset & Carlton Houses also the upper Parts of the Red River, in 1795 by Peter Fidler", 3-24 October 1795. Includes sketch maps along the route.

fos. 46-56

"Journal from the Mouth of the Beaver river up it towards the Green Lake, Bolsover House and Greenwich House at the Red Deers Lake in 1799 by Peter Fidler", 24 August-26 September 1799. Includes sketch maps along the route.

fos. 56d-60

"Journal from Greenwich House Red Deers Lake, up the Athapescow River to the Canadian settlement at the mouth of the Little Slave Lake River 1800 by Peter Fidler", 25 January -5 February 1800. Includes sketch maps along the route.

fos. 60d-62

"Journal of the water communication between Beaver and Saskatchewan Rivers by the Moose Lake", 15-17 May 1800.

fos. 62d-72

"Journal from the mouth of the South Branch of the Saskatchewan River to the confluence of the Bad & Red Deers Rivers where Chesterfield House is situated by Peter Fidler", 15 August-24 September 1800.

fos. 72d-73


fos. 73d-76

"Astronomical Observations taken at York Fort Hudson's Bay by Peter Fidler 1792 & 4".

fos. 76d-79d

"Astronomical Observations taken at Carlton House Red River - Hudson's Bay by Peter Fidler", 1795-1796.

fos. 80-81d

"Astronomical Observations made at Swan River House by Peter Fidler", 1796.

fos. 82-85

"Astronomical Observations made at Buckingham House by Peter Fidler", 1792-1793, 1796-1797.

fos. 85d-88d

"Astronomical Observations made at Greenwich House Red Deers Lake by Peter Fidler", 1799-1800.

fo. 89

"Astronomical Observations made at Edmonton House by Peter Fidler", 1797, 1800.

fo. 89d

"Astronomical Observations made at Chesterfield House by Peter Fidler", 1800-1801.

fo. 90

"Astronomical Observations made at Portage la Loche by Peter Fidler", 1804.

fos. 90d-92

"Extracts from Sir Alexander McKenzies Journal from the East side the Slave Lake down McKenzies River to the Hyperborean Sea in 1789".

fos. 92d-96

"Extracts from Sir Alexr McKenzies Journal from the Old Establishment in Peace River - across the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean in 1792 and 1793".

fos. 97d-102

"Memoir of a Map of the Lands around the North Pole by Alexr Dalrymple 1789 - Scale 1/10 of an inch to 1° of Latitude - London printed by Geo. Begg 1789".

fo. 102d

"Following Carrying Places: all the Carrying places from York Fort to Cumberland House by way of Lake Winnipeg also all the carrying places from Cumberland House to the Isle a la Crosse - Athapescow by way of Swan Lake - also by way of Portage La Loche, & from the Athapescow to the Slave Lake the measured distance of each Portage".

fo. 103

Sketch map of part of Cumberland Lake showing position of Cumberland House and old Cumberland House, 22 April 1798

fo. 103d

Sketch map "drawn by Ak ko wee ak a Black Foot Indian 1802", redrawn by Peter Fidler, of the Red Deer River and tributaries of the south branch of the Saskatchewan River and southwards. Shows rivers including Red Deer, Little and Old Man Rivers. Key to locations including mountains, "where the buffalo fall and break their skull in pieces", and "Fall Indians killed."

fo. 104

Sketch map "drawn by the Feathers or Ak ko mock ki a Black foot Chief 1802", redrawn by Peter Fidler, of the Red Deer River and tributaries of the south branch of the Saskatchewan river and southwards. Shows geological features, as far south as what is now central Montana.

fos. 104d-105

Sketch map "drawn by Ki oo cus or the Little Bear a Blackfoot Chief 1802", redrawn by Peter Fidler, showing Missouri and South Saskatchewan Rivers and northwards. Includes enlargement of "God's Lake" [Manitou Lake], Saskatchewan. Shows sources of berries, wooded areas, routes and number of days march as measurements.

fos. 105d-106

Unattributed sketch map showing location of First Nations groups, identified by their leaders, with the number of tents in their group. Includes references to a "Spanish settlement" (nothern California) and a "French settlement" (southern Missouri River).

fos. 106d-107

Sketch map "drawn by the Feathers or Ac ko mok ki a Black foot chief 7th Feby 1801", redrawn by Peter Fidler, showing the south branch of the Saskatchewan River, the Missouri River, and southwards. Shows First Nations groups, identified by their leaders' names, with the number of tents in their groups. Also notes "the dotted line the war track in 1801."

fos. 107d-110

"Astronomical Observations taken at Nottingham House Athapescow Lake 1805 & 6 by Peter Fidler".

fo. 110d

"Observations taken at S. End of the Methy Carrying Place or Portage La Loche by Peter Fidler", 1806.

fo. 111

"Astronomical Observations made at Gordon House the Rock Hill River by Peter Fidler", 1806.

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