Advanced Search 
For advanced search options, choose one of the search options below.
Listings (includes digital images and audio/video files) | Search listings of files and items (such as letters, maps, photographs or audio recordings) in the Archives' holdings, including digital copies of archival records. Included are links to the larger group of records to which a file or item belongs. |
Archival Descriptions | Search descriptions of the groups of archival records that make up our holdings. These include records created by the Government of Manitoba, Hudson's Bay Company and the private sector. Where available, links are provided to lists of related files and items. |
Record Creators | Search descriptions of Manitoba government entities, Hudson's Bay Company entities (includes administration and posts), persons, families and private sector organizations that have created archival records in our holdings. Included are links to information about the archival records created by each person, organization or agency. OR Browse Government Record Creators Hudson's Bay Company Record Creators Private Record Creators |